This folder contains different versions of a dataset from the Food Standards Agency's Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) dataset, downloaded on 16 October 2021. It was downloaded from in 374 separate xml files and then merged into a single csv (after a few intermediate steps). - all-FHRS-GB-16-oct-2021-extract.csv - this file contains the original 374 merged xml files, one for every UK local authority as of 16 October 2021. About 80% of these entries have a Longitude and Latitude associated with them and are therefore easily mappable. There are 597,037 rows of data in here, plus the header row. - fhrs-uk-ALL-with-TTWA.csv - this file contains only those rows of data from the original csv (above) that could be mapped. This includes the original 80% or so that had lat/long included, plus an additional 4% or so that had full postcodes included but no lat/long. In some cases (e.g. Stirling) these postcodes were not contained in the PostCode column but instead had to be extracted from the AddressLine1 column. There are 502,341 rows of data in here, plus the header row. Every row of data here has a lat/long associated with it and can be mapped. In addition, I have added in the Travel-to-work-area (TTWA) that each point sits within (the TTWA name plus the TTTWA ONS area code). For 197 areas I couldn't exactly locate which TTWA they were in. This data can be easily plotted in any GIS package, such as QGIS. - fhrs-uk-ALL-BNG-TTWA-23-oct-2021 fhrs-with-ttwa.gpkg - this file is a GeoPackage that can be imported into QGIS (or your GIS software of choice) and is a POINT file with all the points from the fhrs-uk-ALL-with-TTWA.csv in it. Open the attribute table in QGIS and you will see all the data. Put simply, this file is a map version of the csv above. - ttwa-mye-pop-emp-2019-frhs-by-type.gpkg - this file is a GeoPackage that can be imported into QGIS (or your GIS software of choice) and is a POLYGON file of all current UK local authorities (as of October 2021), with columns for each food establishment type listed in the FHRS (e.g. Pub/bar/nightclub, Takeaway/sandwich shop, Farmers/growers, Distributors/Transporters and so on). There is also a column showing the total number of food establishments in each local authority. In addition to this, there is also a 2019 mid-year population estimate for each local authority (MYE2019_sum) as well as a count of the number of small areas (i.e. LSOAs, SOAs, DZs) in each area (MYE2019_count). Finally, we have the BRESEMP19_sum and BRESEMP19_count column. These are the same as the MYE2019 columns but instead of population they relate to the total employee count in each local authority, based on 2019 Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) data. - ttwa-mye-pop-emp-2019-frhs-by-type_simplified.gpkg - this file is exactly the same as the one above in terms of attribute data, but it is a much more generalised GeoPackage so the file size is much smaller. Any questions, feel free to get in touch.